With this article, I want to mark the beginning of a new heading - Open letter. Here I will publish my public addresses, in the hope that they will be read by someone from those to whom it was addressed. And, today I want to write a letter to potential developers of Russian Operating Systems.

Not so given, our government (RF) started talking about the fact that at the state level we need a Windows competitor. Russian Operating System, which will be produced here, independently of Western IT corporations. And here are my wishes regarding this system, I would like to voice.

Basically, there are Russian-language operating systems. For example, the Linux OS family. But, when we try to use them, we face a significant problem! First of all, they are not focused on the common user. And it is necessary that even a small child can easily use the OS.

Secondly, the problem is the lack of applications that are convenient for most users. Linux has specialized applications for developers. But, the richness of the variety of user applications is not observed. Most often developers are not interested in porting their developments to Linux. Well, gamers need games designed now for Windows 10.

For a long time, Linux distribution developers have been trying to adapt the system to run Windows applications. But, since there is not enough interest, team, and funding, this adaptation is minimal. Plus, it loads the system and consumes more memory.

Russia has its own IT industry giants. Possessing great financial capabilities. As well as professional design studios. And I dare to hope that perhaps they will be interested in creating such an OS.

Of course, you can try to curb Linux. But, it would be just great - to develop your own kernel, in order not to have claims to the rights to trade the new OS. Own kernel, will allow you to create a completely independent Operating System, and continue its constant improvement.

What else I would like to offer. The new operating system must be modular. Which will protect it from operational damage. And, I will describe an example device and sequence:

The first block: This is the easiest part of the system to boot in case of damage, to recover without reinstalling the OS.

The second block: This is the very basic, pure Operating System with a graphical shell. There are very few programs in this block. Basically a system browser for further use. And the graphical shell may not be implemented in "C" languages ​​at all. Nothing can be installed on this system.

Third block: This is the registry of applications for the new Operating System. This ledger is separate from the first two blocks. And, if applications get damaged, this damage will not affect the main blocks of the OS. And, they can be repaired without reinstalling the entire system.

The fourth block: What interests us is the Windows registry block itself. It will run applications, in free mode, without slowing down, designed for, say, Windows 10. And, this unit can be updated and repaired, without reinstalling the first three. And, most importantly, this block for reading programs should not be a "virtual machine" inside the third, it should also be systemic, like the first three. And, this block also does not affect the performance of the first three. and cannot damage them.

Fifth block: This is what many also dream of - a mobile OS registry. For example Android. By the same principle as the "fourth block". It is not a "virtual machine" smartphone emulator. This is the launch of mobile applications in the system window. Also does not harm the rest of the blocks!

I understand perfectly well that this complete system will not be small. And, it will be designed not for weak PCs, but for modern ones. Working on the latest processors and video cards. And also using memory as in popular large operating systems.

However, with such a modular approach, this OS should be stable. Protected from damage by faulty programs. And most importantly, it will be as user-friendly as Windows, and will reproduce, among other things, all applications and games from Windows, which will interest young people.

And, this system can be used commercially. And in case she needs Windows libraries (as in modern Windows add-ons to Linux), the system can be sold with all modules, but without libraries. And to supply libraries for free. Thus, we will not talk about any trade in Microsoft Windows products. The same principle applies to Android applications.

But, also, an interesting topic, it seems to me, is the use of the system interpreter of Java Script code. The fact is that WEB technologies have proven themselves for a long time. We use WEB applications very often and do not think about it. It is also interesting that Java Script is playable on all user operating systems.

In turn, this means that Java Script applications will function on all user operating systems. And it will create an environment that brings together the developers of different operating systems. But, since we are talking about a modular OS, we can not launch the "nesting doll":

We can run multiple interpreters at the same time from the kernel. For example: First, it will provide a Java Script desktop, and a JS application system. The second, will interpret Windows libraries to run applications. And, information from Windows applications will be translated into JS GUI. And, this new OS will be able to run at the same time, many applications - Java Scritp, Windows, Android, macOS.

Such a combine, fully equipped, cannot be installed on the weakest PCs. Since it will be demanding on the volume of the disk and RAM. However, I must say that for weaker PCs, it will be possible to supply an OS without weighting modules. That will allow the system to run on weaker equipment.

Given the interest of many people in alternative operating systems. And also the attention of the authorities to the creation of the Russian OS, maybe my idea will interest someone ?! And the continuation of this topic will be in the article Java Script OS on the way to a unified standard.