Much to my regret, my "World of DSB" family's Twitter account has been blocked. Unmotivated blocking. And, unfortunately, the first article on this site will be devoted to this very event.

Autor: @WorldofDSB

I can say that this is not the first time I have been blocked on the social network Twitter. Okay, let my first accounts were blocked for my political position. In which I condemned military aggression. Although it is already strange that it was not the aggressors who were blocked, but the person who condemns military aggression. 

But, my new account, the "World of DSB" project, did not contain a policy in principle. Yes, I tell people about my country. But, I am not campaigning for politicians, or for any political system. My account deliberately did not contain even a hint of an aggressive argument. And ... He was blocked! 

My account was completely minimalistic. Minimum subscriptions. Minimum posts. Minimum reposts. Minimum likes. And, I am a SPAM bot. BOT! Idiots, I'm a living person! And, I did not carry out massive stuffing using auto-publishing services. 

As is traditionally done on Twitter, I am not told the reason for the block. The only thing that happens is when you try to repost, post, or like, the message "This action is similar to the action of an automatic SPAM bot" pops up. And that's it! Nothing more! 

In principle, they do not say specifics. What exactly is considered a violation ?! Message frequency? Length? Tongue? A specific hashtag? Or a specific word? Or someone's complaint? Or maybe the link to my site in Google Blogger is to blame? Tell me what's wrong ?! Tell me how to fix it ?! But ... Silence! Dead silence in response! 

I get the feeling that with this silence in response, they literally sent me. In this case, a cultural figure or politician would probably be answered. 

After logging into the Twitter support account, I found that I could not write a complaint to them. And it turns out that in order to complain to the support service, I must have more accounts. At the same time, it is not a fact that your new account will not be blocked by inertia, the very second after registration. But, and from another account, there was no reaction. 

Also, I sent them my appeal by e-mail. And, only the autoresponder bot answered me. Again, no reaction. No answer. From what I draw a conclusion: Corporation Twitter, frankly do not care about users. They have no respect for them. 

They spit on you, completely ignoring you and your indignation. They won't explain anything to you. And, apparently, they don't care if you use their social network or not. And, I just can't understand the policies of the Twitter leadership. Well, let's say they say that the help desk is not keeping up with the call flow. But why doesn't she manage? Don't have employees? 

This situation is just wildly surprising to me. Twitter, you fucking billionaires. You have tens of billions of dollars! And, you can't hire more employees ?! Why? The toad is choking with greed ?! 

This whole delusional situation can be described with a fabulous example:

In a distant, distant change, the state "Iwillnotsay-land" appeared. It was young and growing at an incredible rate. People tried to buy housing there, and join the society of this country. 

But, the day came when the president, "Iwillnotsay-land" announced to his people that from now on, they would imprison everyone who was considered a criminal. And "ignorance of the law does not absolve from responsibility!" 

Then the people became interested - why will the arrests be made? And, they were told - for a crime! Yes, yes, well, but for what specific crime? Where can you buy a constitution? And where to buy the criminal code? or maybe you will write about these crimes in the media? We need to know what we can accidentally violate, and how can we defend ourselves ?! 

To which, the state apparatus of the country "Iwillnotsay-land" replied: We will not tell you! When you go to jail, you will have to guess for yourself - what you have violated! If you are against, you can appeal. But, we will not even consider it! 

And so, arrests began in Iwillnotsay-land". A man went about his business, and immediately without talking, silently, he threw himself behind bars. Then the person took a sheet of paper and wrote a statement of appeal, with a petition for release and revision of the sentence. And also with a request to provide information about his guilt. 

The man seals the envelope and tosses it into the letter slot. And behind this slot, a shredder has already been installed, which will grind the appeal into dust ... And the indicator will light up: "Your letter is important to us. Wait a few billion years. They will answer you, maybe (no!)" ...

Here! A delusional plot from the point of view of a free democratic society ?! Delusional! But, exactly as in this fairy tale, Twitter behaves!

Therefore, I am against the actions of this corporation! Censorship, abnormal, paranoid censorship should be prohibited. You have to stop chasing people. And, fight greed. Hire a fully staffed support staff.